Leadership Directory#

This is a directory of the present and past leadership of Project Jupyter.

Executive Council#

Alphabetical by first name, names are followed by GitHub usernames.

Software Steering Council#



GitHub username

DEI Standing Committee

Martha Cryan


Jupyter Accessibility

Gabriel Fouasnon


Jupyter Foundations and Standards

Paul Ivanov


Jupyter Frontends

Jérémy Tuloup


Jupyter Kernels

Johan Mabille


Jupyter Security

Rick Wagner


Jupyter Server

Vidar Fauske


Jupyter Widgets

Sylvain Corlay


JupyterHub and Binder

Min Ragan-Kelley



Martin Renou


Jupyter Foundation Governing Board#



GitHub username

Afshin Darian

Executive Council


Ana Ruvalcaba

Executive Council


Brian Granger

Executive Council


Fernando Pérez

Executive Council


Jason Grout

Executive Council


Zach Sailer

Executive Council


Trademark Subcommittee#

DEI Standing Committee#

Jupyter Community Building Working Group#

Jupyter Media Strategy Working Group#

Former Project Jupyter Leadership#

Benevolent Dictator for Life / Steering Council (retired December 2022)#

Prior to December 2022, Jupyter was led by a Benevolent Dictator for Life (BDFL) and a Steering Council.

Fernando Pérez (@fperez) was the Benevolent Dictator for Life (BDFL). He voluntarily relinquished his role after Jupyter transitioned to a new governance model in December 2022.

Steering Council (dissolved December 2022)#

  • Afshin Darian, @afshin (2018-2022)

  • Ana Ruvalcaba, @Ruv7 (2018-2022)

  • Brian Granger, @ellisonbg (Founding member, 2014-2022)

  • Carol Willing, @willingc (2017-2022)

  • Damian Avila, @damianavila (Founding member, 2014-2022)

  • Fernando Pérez, @fperez (Founding member, 2014-2022)

  • Jason Grout, @jasongrout (2015-2022)

  • Jessica Hamrick, @jhamrick (2015-2022)

  • Jonathan Frederic, @jdfreder (2016-2018)

  • Kyle Kelley, @rgbkrk (Founding member, 2014-2022)

  • M Pacer, @mpacer (2018-2022)

  • Matthias Bussonnier, @carreau (Founding member, 2014-2022)

  • Min Ragan-Kelley, @minrk (Founding member, 2014-2022)

  • Paul Ivanov, @ivanov (2016-2022)

  • Peter Parente, @parente (2016-2022)

  • Steven Silvester, @blink1073 (2016-2022)

  • Sylvain Corlay, @sylvaincorlay (2016-2022)

  • Thomas Kluyver, @takluyver (Founding member, 2014-2022)

NumFOCUS Subcommittee (dissolved December 2022)#